Acknowledging a Job
When you are acknowledging a job, you will need to:
- Double click on the collection part of the job job on the new tab
- Then click acknowledge
- Then click on start
Once you have acknowledged a job it will move from the new tab to collections.
- Click on route- when you start on your journey.
- Navigate takes you to maps to plan the journey

Iphone scanning
To start scanning you will need to:
- Click Arrived
- Then click items
Once you have clicked on items it will move to the scanning screen :
- Click on Scan Barcode.
- This will then open your camera allowing you to scan the location barcode and then the item

Android scanning
To start scanning you will need to:
- Click Arrived
- Then click onto the 3 lines in the left-hand corner and click item scan.
Once you have clicked on items it will move to the scanning screen :
1.Click on Scan Location.
2.Click Scan Barcode.

Scanning Process
Collection :
1.Scan Location Barcode (will be placed on the wall at collection).
2.Scan in item barcode (will be placed on the wall at collection).
3.If there is nothing to be collected, scan the NTG barcode, you will then need to complete the full process as if you had collected samples. Scan Location, Scan NTG, Scan Location again and finally scan NTG.
4.Once this has been completed, return to your job screen and mark job as collected.
Delivery :
At delivery, you will complete the same process you have on collection.
1.Click arrived at delivery.
2.Scan Location Barcode for the delivery address barcode (will be placed on the wall at delivery).
3.Scan item barcode that will be placed on the wall at RLH.
4.Get a full name of the member of staff you are handing items over to.
If for any reason a bag has scanned through incorrectly, please alert the control team and provide them with the bag number so this can be added to the notes. If your job does not sign off due to the faulty barcode, please ask the control team to sign of your docket with the name of the member of staff who has received the sample bags.